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With the Guanin Blog, you can share first hand pictures and impression of your experience at the Guanin Center or with a Guanin event, you can also come here to be connected with a worldwide community and read their first hand accounts. You can easily sign easily up to become member allowing you to post comment and like content posted by the community of Guanin.

Why join our blog?

Those who join can follow each other, write and reply to comments and receive blog notifications. Everyone gets their own personal profile page that they can customize.


Once you become a member of our blog the Guanin board of Directors will make you a writer allowing you to add your own fresh content from events and trips along with any feedback or impressions.

Don't forget to join our other membership and do your part to keep the Guanin Center going by becoming a member and giving 10 or more a month.


Unknown member
Mar 13, 2020


Unknown member
Mar 13, 2020

My Roof Project is a program from Guanin Center to help people from la Piedra to have a descent house.

This is the project number 103, managed by Leonie Osterwalder, volunteer from Switzerland for a single mom with 2 kids.


Unknown member
Sep 13, 2019

We are three students from Germany. Marie Hoyer (18), Maximilian Hein (18) and Elisabeth Tiede (20). We will spend a gap year here in La Piedra and Santo Domingo and work with kids in the school and do home visits. We are inquisitive and looking forward for this amazing year incoming!


Unknown member
Sep 13, 2019

So now we've been here for one month and have settled in. We have our routine but still always variety and adventures. From monday to wednesday we are working in the school, on thursdays we are doing home visits for pregnant women and sick people and on fridays we are working on some projects for Guanin. We really enjoy it and we love the children and the culture here! The people here are thankful and warmly.


Unknown member
Sep 04, 2019

PROYECTO UNAP LA PIEDRA, un sueño hecho en realidad! Unidad de Atención Primaria. Es oficial anunciar, nos sentimos orgulloso después de 5 largo años. Hemos logrado nuestro sueño, LICENCIA para operar nuestro centro medico para la comunidad de la Piedra y sus entornos. Gracias a todos y a todas por sus esfuerzos y ayuda. Gracias nuevamente. Actualmente esperamos por el nombramiento del personal medico por via del Ministerio de Salud Publica, que es un HECHO!

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