Fourth week Community Leadership, Guanin 2021. Last week activities
We want to thank all those volunteers, national & international institutions that have given us a helping hand, so that, these children can smile back again.
Thanks to you so much, we have been able to bring joy back to the hearts of these children in our community of La Piedra, a community that has been forgotten by all the present and past governments. We hope for the next summer, God will help us and have again all our children back to the Guanin Community Center.
Local Institutions, Law Firm, Jimenez Cruz Peña,, Student Services SRL.
International Institutions: Guanin USA, Corbinian, Guanin Germany, Maximiliano Hein, Guanin
Switzerland, Kevin Angel.
Honorary International Volunteers.: Dra. Lynne Guitar, Dr. Bruce Zeilin and Wife, Dr. Cled Oakley and others. International Volunteers.: Clara Moore, USA, Maxi, Germany and others. Local Volunteers. Natanalier Lopez, Davis Lopez, Shaide Nicol Peña, Armando, Gilrairys Perez, Anita Perez and others
The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.